Monday, August 5, 2019

The Quest Begins!

Hello everyone, welcome to our Castle Quest! (No, not the 1985 video game about saving a princess from a castle - although that would be quite an adventure!)

Tomorrow (August 6th), my dad and I will be heading out on a flight to Scotland! We've planned a two-week road trip across the country that visits many different castles and ruins. This is something I've been interested in doing for a while now, so I'm very excited! It will certainly be an amazing experience, and we thought we would share it with you all.

As we travel, I will post photos of the various places we visit and give you an idea of what each day was like. I'm sure there'll be plenty of entertaining stories to tell, especially with my dad being the jokester he is!

I hope you all enjoy looking at the beautiful scenery and magnificent architecture as much as we will!


  1. Right..good luck! Enjoy the trip and please don't let your dad:
    1. wear a kilt as his legs are gross
    2. Eat too many burgers/pies/haggis/deep-fried Mars Bars as he is already a porker
    3. Buy anything that won't fit in a suitcase
    4. Sing while he's driving...your ears will bleed
    5. Suggest that a canoe trip to Skye is a good idea.

    Also remember...we drive on the left...right?

    Have a blast!

    Unc :) x

  2. Have fuuuuuun :3 see you when you get back
