Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Day 1 - Rain, Rain, Go Away

Hello everyone! As you can probably tell by the title of the post, it was raining when we arrived in Edinburgh. We were very tired from the flight, but we managed to retrieve our luggage and get our rental car in one piece. The weather was thankfully clear up north at Dunnottar Castle, so we were able to take some very nice pictures of the first stop on our trip!

Dunnottar Castle
13th Century Clifftop Fortress
First buildings at Dunnottar date as far back as the 4th century.

More information can be found

It did rain for most of the drive back to Edinburgh, and it was thundering when we arrived at our lodgings, so we got soaked bringing our luggage inside. However, we are now cozy and settled in our individual beds and ready for a nice, proper sleep. See you tomorrow!


  1. Nice! Glad you got there safely.. Dunnottar looks great but beware.. It might just rain again tomorrow ;-)

  2. wow, looks amazing there. Hopefully it doesnt rain too much on your other stops

  3. Heard on the news today that Edinburgh had the normal rainfall for the whole of August in just 3 hours. No wonder a local rail tunnel flooded

  4. Beautiful pictures, despite the rain. I'm in for a vicarious vacation and delighted to see you posting again. Now, I'm off to see the remaining posts.
