Monday, August 12, 2019

Day 6 - That's the Way Things Happen on the Hogwarts Express

Today was a magical day indeed, for we took the Hogwarts Express (Jacobite Steam Train) to Mallaig! The scenery out the windows was beautiful, even if we ended up with a tableful of soot from having the window open. It was so cool seeing how many people (Muggles) came out to wave at the train as it went by or take photos of it. Though I have to say it was even cooler being inside the train and having that experience!

When we stopped by in Mallaig, we went down a neat little place called Haggard Alley, home to a shop full of Harry Potter merchandise. It was small, but filled with all sorts of cool little things, and I managed to snag myself a nice Ravenclaw journal, so I'd call it a success! We also had some fish and chips (who wouldn't?) and some ice cream before getting back on the train for the return journey.

All in all, an awesome day!

The Jacobite Steam Train
(aka Hogwarts Express)
more info and details can be found here

1 comment:

  1. We've ridden many different trains here in the Southwestern US and Hawaii and now I want to travel to Scotland to ride this train as well. Sounds like a perfectly darling day. I'll wish you more as it seems you are now entering the back end of your journey. Savor every moment.
